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Mathematics Constructor University

Du kannst unverbindlich deine Zugangsmöglichkeiten für grundständige Studiengänge prüfen. Jetzt prüfen.


Bachelor of Science


6 Semester

Überblick und Zulassung




Zulassung nur im Wintersemester





Anmerkung zum Studiengang

Why Mathematics? Mathematics is at the foundation of science, ranging from the beauty of theory and pure thought to applications in almost all areas of the natural sciences, engineering, economics, finance, and even the social sciences. As such, a bachelor’s degree in mathematics offers a unique combination of intellectual breadth and disciplinary depth. Specifically, mathematics offers a great variety of academic career paths, ranging from teaching at all levels to research in mathematics and its adjacent fields. A bachelor’s degree in mathematics qualifies for graduate study not only in Mathematics, but also in neighboring disciplines such as Engineering, Physics, Astronomy, Economics, Finance, MBA programs, and many others. Mathematicians find employment in a variety of high-level strategic positions in which analytic thinking, problem-solving, and quantitative skills are paramount, ranging from consultancy, public administration, information technology, and data security, to high-level management. In surveys, mathematicians consistently report strong personal identification with their field in combination with a high level of job satisfaction. The key element in our education is that we do not just teach courses to students, but accompany them as individuals throughout their education and help them achieve, or even identify, their personal goals. In this spirit, the Bachelor Program in Mathematics at Jacobs offers a three-year program with advanced study options providing optimal preparation for graduate education at top European and US universities.



Weitere Informationen zu Zugangs- und Zulassungsbedingungen


- Bewerbungsformular (Common Application Form) - Tabellarische Darstellung der bisher besuchten Schulen (und Universitäten) - Essay - 1 Empfehlungsschreiben der Schule - Abitur oder internationales Äquivalent und Schulzeugnisse der letzten 2-3 Jahre - ggf. SAT/ACT Test (nicht notwendig bei Vorliegen einer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung für Deutschland (Abitur)) - Englisch Sprachtest, z.B. TOEFL


  • 01.09.2023 - 30.05.2024
  • 01.02.2025 - 31.05.2025



20.000,00 EUR / Jahr

Studienbeitrag (Link)

The annual undergraduate tuition for Bachelor programs is 20,000 EUR. A single bedroom, a shared bathroom for two students, standard utility costs and Internet, plus three meals a day are set at 6,750 EUR per academic year for the 2022 intake. Academic achievement scholarships, tuition deferral, and financial aid are available.




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